Awesome Geothermal Facts
Monday, August 26th, 2013
Want some AWESOME Geothermal HVAC facts for your friends? Check this out….
According to the US Department of Energy Geothermal heat pumps currently being utilized in the United States have resulted in:
Saving 40 trillion BTUs of fossil fuels annually
Eliminating at least 1.6 million metric tons of carbon equivalent annually
Saving almost 8 million kWh
Eliminating over 5.8 million metric tonsĀ of CO2 annually
Reducing electricity need by 2.6 million kW
The use of geothermal heat pumps today is equivalent to:
Planting over 385 million trees
Reducing reliance on foreign fuels by 21.5 million barrels of crude oil annually
Removing 1,295,00 cars from the road